two(n) manual page

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two - "Some general notes on the two library"


The two library is mainly a set of pure Tcl/Tk compound widgets (often called megawidgets) and supporting packages.


This library is split into a bunch of packages to minimize startup overhead. However, some of them require others.

There are several ways to use this library:

source single files
You can source all required modules by hand. But you'll need to source all modules which are required by other modules as well - however the package require commands used in the modules will tell you which packages are missing.
source whole library
You can source the libw.tcl file which contains all modules except tclpre.tcl.
install and use package require
Copy the whole lib/ directory as new subdirectory to your library directory (somewhere within the directories listed in $auto_path) and give it a proper name.
use auto_path and package require
You can use the package require command even without really installing the library through lappend auto_path /path/to/two/lib with the right path to the lib subdir of your local copy of the who library.


All public functions of this library have the prefix two_ prepended. They reside in the public namespace, so no fiddling with the namespace command is needed. The library does however use namespaces extensively for it's internal purposes. Those internal namespaces are sub-namespaces of the ::two:: namespace.

Fonts created by TWO start with a lowercase two, like in twoTxt. The same is true for the one global variable.


Frank J. Leitner

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