two_bugmail(n) manual page

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two_bugmail - Modified TCL bgerror handler


package require twoBugmail ?1.0?
two_bugmail command ?options?


two_bugmail is a replacement for the standard Tk bgerror handler. The most important feature is its ability to send bug reports to the maintainer of the software. The user can add his own comments, and the error message and TCL call stack will be included in the bug report.

two_bugmail can be configured to hide the code from the user (no call stack and code snippets on error occurances).


The two_bugmail command takes the following commands (as the first argument):
two_bugmail install
Install replacement for the default bgerror mechanism. Takes all of the options below.
two_bugmail configure
Change options for bugmail.
two_bugmail cget
Query configuration.
two_bugmail remove
Remove bugmail and restore original bgerror handler.
two_bugmail comment
Let the user send a comment to the author. This is a bug report without the need for a tcl error...


The two_bugmail command takes to following options:
-from name
Sets address of the mail sender explicitly.
-to name
Set mail recipient to name.
-cc name
Send carbon copies to name.
-bcc name
Send blind carbon copies to name.
-subject string
Set the mail subject. Any %M will be replaced by a short error description.
If set to true (the default), the user can view details about the bug (the call stack, including code snippets).
-version string
Supply additional version information to the mail you will recieve. The string will be literally contained in the message.
-info string
Supply more verbose info about the current version. Can be multiple lines (is a section on its own in the generated mail message).
-messages list
Supply a list of key-value-pairs (suitable for array set) where the values are messages used by the bugmail widget. The following keys are defined:
Title of error dialig box (default: Internal error)
Prepended to the actual error message (default: Internal error: )
Title of bug report dialog box (default: Bug report)
Intro to bug report dialog box, used in place of errorIntro and an error message (default: You can mail a bug report to the author of this Software.)
Tell user to enter a description of the error (default: Please enter a short description for the error. When and where did it happen?)
Button text: Mail bug report
Button text: Send mail
Button text: Details
Button text: Ok
Button text: Cancel
Button text:


If two_bugmail is turned on and a bgerror occures, it will create a toplevel widget named .twoBugmailWindow. It will use /usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t for mail sending, so it will only work on UNIX systems.

Portability Issues

Uses sendmail for mail delivery, so it will only work on UNIX systems.


Frank J. Leitner

See Also

error(n) , sendmail(1M) .

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