two_text(n) manual page

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two_text - Extended Tk text widget with undo/redo


package require twoText ?1.0?
two_text pathName ?options?


two_text is a wrapper around the Tk text widget with some different keyboard bindings (without emacs bindings, better CTRL-Left/right handling etc.) and a (simple) auto indent mode. It has unlimited undo/redo capability. The widget will send virtual events on several state changes. Widget can be cloned; all clones will present an independant view of the same text. All changes are made to all clones.


The two_text widget command takes all of the text(n) commands and additionally the following:
pathName undo
Undo most recent operation. Please note that the undo buffer handles subsequend entries (key presses) as one action.
pathName redo
Redo most recent undo.
pathName replace start end chars
Replace the text betwenn the indices start and end with the text in chars.
pathName insertReplace index chars
Insert (or replace) the chars at the given index or replace a selection.
pathName paste index ?chars?
Insert the chars at the given index or replace a selection. If no chars are given, paste the current selection. Won't overwrite text in overwrite mode.
pathName clone widgetPath
Create a cloned widget. This new widget will present an independant view of the same text. All changes are made to all clones. Returns the pathname of the clone.
pathName indent direction
Indent current selection or, if there is none, the current line. A positive value of direction will add 4 (or whatever has been set as indentstep) space will be inserted. If direction has a negative value, the respective number of spaces will be removed. Nothing happens if there are no more spaces at the beginning of the lines, with one exception: a leading tab character is removed.
pathName selState
Returns 1 if there is a selection, 0 otherwise.
pathName modState
Returns 1 if text has been modified since the last afterSave or afterLoad.
pathName undoState
Returns 1 if undo is possible (i.e. there is anything to be undone).
pathName redoState
Returns 1 if redo is possible.
pathName afterSave
Call this command after the buffer has been saved. This is to let the widget know that it is once again in the unmodified state.
pathName afterLoad
Call this method after a new file has been loaded into the buffer. This will result in clearing the undo and redo buffers and setting the unmodified state.


The two_text command takes all options of the text(n) widget plus to following options:
-autoindent TCL_BOOLEAN
Turn on/off the (some rather simple) automatic indentation: if 1 then any Return will indent the new line just like the previous one. Defaults to 0.
-indentstep step
Set the number of spaces that will be inserted or removed when pathName indent is called. Defaults to 4.
-hardtab TCL_BOOLEAN
Sets how hardtabs (\t) are handled when moving the cursor up or down one line (using cursor keys): if this option is set to TRUE, then hardtabs will be treated as the number of whitespaces that would be needed to replace them (hard tab width of 8). If FALSE, they are just counted as a single char (default Tk behavior, but in an editor you usually expect the former).
-overwrite TCL_BOOLEAN
Switch the overwrite modus.

Virtual Events

The two_text widget generates the following events; all events originate from all clones, only the PosChanges is generated exclusively by the widget which is currently being used.
Insertion cursor position has changed. New position is column %x and row %y.
<<OverwriteOn>> and <<OverwriteOff>>
Overwrite has been switched On or Off.
<<ModOn>> and <<ModOff>>
Text has been modified for the first time (On) or all mods have been undone (no more mods; Off).
<<SelOn>> and <<SelOff>>
Selection is made (On) oder removed (Off).
<<UndoOn>> and <<UndoOff>>
Undo possible (On) or impossible (Off).
<<RedoOn>> and <<RedoOff>>
Redo possible (On) or impossible (Off).


A two_text widget is realy a subclassed Tcl/Tk text widget. Class for bindtags is TwoText.


Frank J. Leitner

See Also

text(n) .

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